Tuesday, October 25, 2005


As a good blogger (don't laugh too hard), I was reading some other people's blogs, and there seems to be a lot of buzz about this project an artist did involving people anonymously disclosing their darkest secrets. Apparently, this guy left a large number of postcards in a public location with the understanding that people would write their secrets on them and mail them in.

Well what do you know? It works! I guess people really do want to get things off their chests after all.

I decided to check out the PostSecret blog that this guy created to showcase some of the postcards online. What I found was a fascinating look into the human psyche. One in particular really gets to me:


You can't read the postcards without wondering about the people who wrote them. In many cases, I found myself empathizing with the respondents.

If you have some free time, I highly recommend taking a look.

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