Sunday, October 30, 2005

Goodbye Spam - Comments Back On

For those who don't know, blogger had some problems with spam. Consequently, I disabled comments in my blogs because a large number of them were nothing more than "blog spam". Fortunately, the good folks at Google (who run the blogger/blogspot site) implemented some new technology that should cut down on most (but unfortunately not all) of the spam comments. That being the case, I decided to turn the comments back on.

Spammers are becoming increasingly ingenious in their approaches. Email filters have gotten a lot better, so these scumbags are forced to find new ways to bother people. One of the latest things they're doing is creating "Spam Blogs".

The thing that comes to my mind about spam is that it obviously must be profitable, or people wouldn't do it. If Joe Blow on the street would quit buying products advertised in spam (which includes visiting spam Websites) it would become unprofitable, and people would stop doing it. I guess there will always be a buck to be made on human ignorance. It's sad, really.

In any event, please feel free to post your comments. A blogger account is not needed, but to prevent spam, you'll be asked to solve a CAPTCHA (in other words, type a word that you see in a picture) before posting.

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