Thursday, November 10, 2005

Assorted Ramblings

Perhaps the biggest challenge in having a blog is coming up with stuff to write about. Since I started this blog, I've found that I'm increasingly coming up with more ideas for stuff to blog, so the good news is that it's getting a little easier to find topics.

Sometimes, if I don't have time to write about a particular subject, I'll send myself an email and label it "Blog Ideas" (I use gmail, so this works great). Unfortunately, a lot of these ideas don't make the cut. Sometimes I'll go back and decide that the topic was stupid, or that I don't feel like writing about it after all. Other times, I may have a good idea, but there's just not enough to say about it to justify a blog post.

Today I realized that I have enough odds and ends in my "Blog Ideas" to comprise a consolidated blog post. With that in mind, I set about writing a single post with multiple ideas. What happened instead was that I managed to come up with enough rambling nonsense to make multiple posts, so that's what you get today.

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