Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Warning Labels

Years ago, I had a job cleaning up transcripts for a court reporter. Essentially, I would get an audio tape of the proceedings (most often depositions) and a Word Perfect document that was rife with mistakes. The document was auto-generated by the stenography machine the court reporter used, and my job was to listen to the tape and make corrections as needed.

One of the things I learned during the course of my transcribing was that warning labels are a big deal. I mean a really big deal. There are literally experts who specialize in warning label placement, size, color, verbiage, etc. Too few warning labels could mean a lawsuit, and most people realize that. What most people don't know is that too many warning labels, or even poorly placed or badly worded warning labels, can also mean a lawsuit.

So, this morning, when I found a Website that creates custom warning labels for you (It's fun -- try it!) I decided to add one to this blog.

So there you have it. Don't sue me if you squirt milk out of your nose.